Tuesday, November 9, 2010


What's yours is mine and what's mine is...mine. That sums it up nicely. The definition of sharing apparently is fuzzy in little minds. Once a little mind sets little eyes on a desired object, those little hands will do (or say) anything to get it. If I truly thought that they were capable of coldly calculating the deceit, I just might find another line of work. 



  1. I landed a Game Boy in elementary school this way. Guy offered to let me play Pokemon for recess and never asked for his game boy back. Lucky lucky me!

  2. This still applies, even when you get older.

  3. You two are terrible! I still remember people who took my stuff and didn't return it...it sticks with you. I bet you that guy is holding a grudge to this day.

  4. Once I met a guy that asked a random man his cell phone for a call and then just ran off with the cell phone... The chase was epic...

  5. Actually, I still know him. He invited me to his wedding, and when I told him I still had his gameboy he laughed and said that was the same week he got his N64 so he never noticed it was missing. I still have that gameboy. I still play Metroid on it sometimes. Ahh, classics.

  6. You lucky dog. Ha! Saved by our consumer driven society.
