Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Paradox

Have you ever been followed around by a child trying desperately to fix his situation by doing the very thing he was told not to do? I have, frequently. This contradictory behavior is amazing to watch. It will also give you lock-jaw from all the teeth clenching you do to keep from finding the nearest duct tape. This point usually comes when he sets his record on “repeat” and drags himself across the floor as if he is the lone survivor in a vast desert of oppression. Oh the irony, if only he would stuff a sock in it, he wouldn't be in trouble anymore.



  1. This reminds me of Princess Bride, btw.

  2. Ha! That's hilarious. I hadn't thought of that. I'm working on another one.

  3. Sweet. I will give you a link/plug on your next post. I was going to wait until I had another hit comic and then put your link in the strip journal. That way you'd get a ton of traffic. But I haven't had a hit in several weeks, so there's no sense in waiting for that.

  4. Pretty funny. I demand that you update more often!

  5. I was told to comment, so I am commenting. :P

    As I already said to Steve on his comics, it's amusing... reminds me of why I dislike children. ;)

  6. Your comics are funny, definitely felt Calvin and Hobbes kind of comedy in them, which is a huge compliment :P Keep it up!

    Although more than one comic a month would be swell :)

  7. Thanks! I do look at those comics to get ideas for how to express different emotions. I love Calvin and Hobbes.

  8. I demand more! I am hungry for funnies!

    But yes, I do like this. I do.

  9. So very very true... But every time I find myself in this situation, I can't help but feel at least as much at fault as the child. After all, I'm just repeating myself, too: "If you'd stop, everything would be better." Saying that over and over, with slight variations, simply makes the child react in the same way, over and over.

  10. No problem, I'm guessing you use Rosalyn a lot then :P

  11. Actually, not as much as you'd think. I look at body movement for the adults and facial features for the kids. The adults don't really react all that much in my world.
